Friday, July 11, 2014

A letter to the stranger that email “attacked” me….

Dear “Good Times Roll,”

I would like to extend my gratitude to you for inspiring this blog.  Your unprovoked words in response to a Craigslist Ad that I placed a few days ago have reminded me how important it is to choose kindness…for that I am grateful. 

My children thank you as well.  They have never been quite so entertained as to see the myriad of emotions come across their mother’s face in such a short amount of time.

Had I done something to offend someone? Who was this person taking stabs at me, and in turn, my “trainers?”

Confusion was followed very closely by ANGER
I will admit it, expletives that would make a trucker blush flew through my mind.

Anger was even shorter-lived than confusion and gave way to the killer emotion, the one that plagues me day in and day out: DOUBT
You might think doubt is not an emotion, but live a day in any mother’s shoes, and you will “get it.”  It’s that sick feeling that bubbles up when you wonder if you’re doing the right thing.  It’s the dread that comes over you when you compare yourself to what the other person (photographer, mom, pinterest-craft-completer) is doing.  I question my abilities as a photographer, wife, and mother every day.   I’m hard enough on myself…how dare YOU make me question myself even for a second?  Ohhh, there came ANGER again, as my daughter gave me that tilted-head-confused-puppy-look. 

At the end of the few seconds that these emotions swept over me, I suddenly felt COMPASSION
It must be a hurting person who would single out and verbally lash a relatively quiet, mind-my-own-business, live and let live person, such as myself.  My Senior Portrait ad must have struck a chord in someone who was maybe already having a rough day, week, year, life…so much so that you would feel compelled to not only write that response, but to also click send, not even knowing if the person on the other end was able to handle it.  Luckily, I am.  I beg you, though, to think before you do it again to someone else.  Words can be lethal. You don’t know if that someone is barely holding on…

At first, I felt compelled to list my credentials, training, and years of references from satisfied customers.  I didn’t.  I also thought about including those initial sailor-embarrassing words.  I didn’t.  I wanted to ask you what your credentials were to judge me.  I didn’t. Instead, I passive-aggressively thanked you for your kind words, told you that I would inform my professors of their negligence, and wished you a wonderful day.  

I regret my response now.  Even though I did not use those expletives, my sarcasm was heavy.  I wish I had apologized for offending you and asked for any constructive criticism you must have for me. I wish that I had offered an ear if you needed to get anything off your chest.  I wish that I had chosen to be a "bigger" person.  I wish I had chosen kindness.

Thank you again, for reinforcing the general idea I have that if we just choose to be kind, the world would be a much better place. Let’s stop doubting/comparing/tearing-down ourselves and one another.  Instead, offer that “I’ve been there,” glance to the mom trying to wrangle her kids into the shopping cart.  Lend a sympathetic hand to the morbidly obese man struggling to reach his groceries.  Give the gift of patience to the lone postal worker behind the counter with the mile-long line of customers waiting for them.  You have a choice. Choose kindness



Friday, June 13, 2014

Ten Bucks, Ten Bucks, Two Great People, One Charlie Sheen Reference…

Ten Bucks.

That's how much Eric's friend paid him to take Cheyenne to the junior high school dance.  The fact that he had to be paid should clue you in that Eric didn't really like Cheyenne at the time. Luckily, in junior high, these things change quickly or I wouldn't be writing this blog about photographing their wedding.

Ten Bucks.

That's how much it cost me to pick up a vintage vanity case on the way to shoot Cheyenne and Eric's Wedding at Boulder Ridge a few Sundays ago. (Don't tell my husband, he hates when I pick things up!)

His ten bucks changed the course of two people's lives.  A pretty great investment, especially considering the bride and groom cheekily gave it back to him at the beginning of their reception.

I'd like to say my ten bucks carried the same magnitude...the vanity did provide for some bitchin' (forgive the 90's potty mouth) impromptu photos with the stunning bride...but as far as changing lives, I refuse to take myself that seriously.

Either way, it's a pretty cute story of how two great people came together.

This leads me to "great people." A relative term, right? I think Charlie Sheen is "great people"…others would beg to differ. Not sure how the preceding statement bodes for you, Cheyenne and Eric, but in my mind, you're two really "great people". 

In this biz, people are what I do. (Well, you know what I mean. I shoot people.'s just not coming out the right way, but I won't delete it, because I'll pretty much do anything for a chuckle.  Someone chuckled, right?) Doing them, shooting them, whatever I'm trying to say, it's all happening on one of the most memorable days of their lives.
They chose ME. 

They trusted ME. 
(What were you guys thinking??  I'm the kind of person that stops on a whim to buy smelly old luggage on the way to one of the most important days of your lives!) 

They paid ME. 
(A rather reasonable price, if I might add…you should definitely check out my rates at No apologies for the shameless plug, it's my blog!)I'm hoping it's because they got a sense that I was their kind of "great people" too, and not just because of my reasonable price…seriously, check it out at Again, it's my blog, I can holla at myself if i want to. (I'm totally just joking, I feel like I have to tell you that because I'm new at this blog thing and you probably don't know me or my sense of humor yet…I'll stop with all of the parenthesis eventually.)

At any rate, I'm pretty sure we were evenly matched in the relativity of "great people" department, because what I know is that magic happened that day and I got to capture it! (No joking there…straight up, magic!)

I guess I'm saying this because magic doesn't just happen. Sure, someone needs to create it…but, just as importantly, someone else needs to recognize it when it is happening.  

My point to this long-winded post is that there are tons of us (people who shoot people)out there.  Talk to a few of us, look for your kind of "great people" and then pick the one who you know will recognize the magic in your day.

For now, enjoy some magic from Cheyenne and Eric's wedding!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

First Post...

First post.

After hearing from many people that I should, "write a book or  sitcom," I've decided to try my hand at this blogging thing.  So…blame them if it sucks ;)

Let me introduce myself, I am a 32 year old chick (I tried woman, lady, and female and they all sounded strange) who has purchased a house with/married/and had two children with a wonderful 39 year old man (somehow man fits him better than woman fits me) in the last 4 years.  That's right, life in the fast lane!  I am a lifestyle photographer and have recently ventured into merchandising for an amazing jewelry company as well! I wear a lot of hats, but then again, don't we all?  Why not add another…I like hats!

I think my sarcastic/ironic/dry sense of humor in the way that I describe every day situations that arise is the reason that people think I should do something other than post it on Facebook.  An example of this are my bad parenting tips:

                         BAD PARENTING TIP NO. 89478:
                                         Allow your toddler to fill his dump truck
                                                        with anything he desires
  that's right, my two year old loves
dump trucks, sheep, and sex & the city.
don't judge.

There was also the popular legal trial to see if my two year old son should be sent to juvey…

The State (Andrew and Jenna) vs. Keaton Adams: The state accuses Mr. Adams in the disappearance of 3 SD flash cards totaling 64 GB of memory. When questioned, the accused replied, "I touched it," and added, "No, no, no." Attached you will find Exhibit A: Photo of the crime scene. Looks innocent enough, but lurking beneath the surface are three flash cards in the cd rom. We tried contacting his sibling, Harper, for a statement. She replied only, "Uh-oh," followed by a spirited, "Hallelujah!" The jury is deliberating. If guilty, the accused will be looking at one day without cookies and no, 'Despicable Me 2,' for the foreseeable future. 
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, how do you find the defendant?

So, if you would do me the honor of following my blog, you are sure to receive more of my insight on life and love. We try to laugh every day and I sure hope my words can provide a chuckle or two for you!

Thanks for humoring me,