Friday, June 13, 2014

Ten Bucks, Ten Bucks, Two Great People, One Charlie Sheen Reference…

Ten Bucks.

That's how much Eric's friend paid him to take Cheyenne to the junior high school dance.  The fact that he had to be paid should clue you in that Eric didn't really like Cheyenne at the time. Luckily, in junior high, these things change quickly or I wouldn't be writing this blog about photographing their wedding.

Ten Bucks.

That's how much it cost me to pick up a vintage vanity case on the way to shoot Cheyenne and Eric's Wedding at Boulder Ridge a few Sundays ago. (Don't tell my husband, he hates when I pick things up!)

His ten bucks changed the course of two people's lives.  A pretty great investment, especially considering the bride and groom cheekily gave it back to him at the beginning of their reception.

I'd like to say my ten bucks carried the same magnitude...the vanity did provide for some bitchin' (forgive the 90's potty mouth) impromptu photos with the stunning bride...but as far as changing lives, I refuse to take myself that seriously.

Either way, it's a pretty cute story of how two great people came together.

This leads me to "great people." A relative term, right? I think Charlie Sheen is "great people"…others would beg to differ. Not sure how the preceding statement bodes for you, Cheyenne and Eric, but in my mind, you're two really "great people". 

In this biz, people are what I do. (Well, you know what I mean. I shoot people.'s just not coming out the right way, but I won't delete it, because I'll pretty much do anything for a chuckle.  Someone chuckled, right?) Doing them, shooting them, whatever I'm trying to say, it's all happening on one of the most memorable days of their lives.
They chose ME. 

They trusted ME. 
(What were you guys thinking??  I'm the kind of person that stops on a whim to buy smelly old luggage on the way to one of the most important days of your lives!) 

They paid ME. 
(A rather reasonable price, if I might add…you should definitely check out my rates at No apologies for the shameless plug, it's my blog!)I'm hoping it's because they got a sense that I was their kind of "great people" too, and not just because of my reasonable price…seriously, check it out at Again, it's my blog, I can holla at myself if i want to. (I'm totally just joking, I feel like I have to tell you that because I'm new at this blog thing and you probably don't know me or my sense of humor yet…I'll stop with all of the parenthesis eventually.)

At any rate, I'm pretty sure we were evenly matched in the relativity of "great people" department, because what I know is that magic happened that day and I got to capture it! (No joking there…straight up, magic!)

I guess I'm saying this because magic doesn't just happen. Sure, someone needs to create it…but, just as importantly, someone else needs to recognize it when it is happening.  

My point to this long-winded post is that there are tons of us (people who shoot people)out there.  Talk to a few of us, look for your kind of "great people" and then pick the one who you know will recognize the magic in your day.

For now, enjoy some magic from Cheyenne and Eric's wedding!